Sunday, November 11, 2007

Happy Birthday Deb!

It is my wife's birthday today - November 12th! Top 3 reasons (not in order) why I love my wife:

1) She is very beautiful
My wife is beautiful: on the inside and outside. She has a pure and loving heart that cares for people. She loves God and has her priorities straight. She is very lovely to look at - especially up close!

2) She is very skillful
My wife is the most talented and resourceful person I know! She has a long list of talents (musical, artistic, is a great cook, can sniff out great deals, has a "very superior" IQ (that actually is a real category), and has great fashion sense) and can figure how to make expensive store products on her own at a cheaper cost than buying it.

3) She is very discerning
My wife is one of the most discerning person I know. When she speaks, it is always about the right things and can see through the peripheral stuff.

Happy Birthday Deb!



  1. Happy birthday, Deb!
    You're "Very Superior" indeed, in a lot of ways.
    Josh, thanks for this post, which enables me to tag along. :)

  2. Happy Birthday, Deb!

    Great post, Josh. That's a very nice picture of you two :)
