Saturday, January 22, 2011

Prayer 41

Our prayer is to be at the epicenter of an unprecedented move of God in the city of Halifax marked by glorious conversions and supernatural life transformation. To this end we ask for: faith- to believe it is possible, passion- to care about lost people, and boldness- to play our part.
What I first made as a casual commitment to prayer is quickly becoming something that is forcing me to be more serious in prayer.  I have always prayed, but praying for one thing over a specific period of time in a community of like-minded people via different avenues of praying that prayer is new.  And I am liking it more and more.

Praying for a one hour period is part of this commitment and as I was praying this morning, I wondered why God "waits" for prayer before acting.  This was evident in the Bible when God waited for Elijah to pray for no rain (James 5:17, 1 Kings 17:1), and then for rain (James 5:18, 1 Kings 19:42-44) even though he declared rain was coming (1 Kings 18:1).  

I wondered because I was praying that there would be "an unprecedented move of God" - why do we have to pray it?  God is capable of doing this on his own.  But I realized that even though God can do so on his own it is for our benefit that we are included in God's work.  By praying, we have a whole lot to gain - faith, passion and boldness.  Why do you think God wants us to pray?