Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Canadian Hockey

What is this? Canada, the powerhouse of all things hockey, is struggling through the round robin of the Olympics... okay, not struggling, they are being dominated! With two 2-0 shutout losses to Switzerland (???) and Finland and a truly sorry win over the Czechs, I wonder how we will do against Russia today. Maybe the Canadians will pull together since they are in the medal rounds now, but it was a scary round robin. Here is hoping for a turnaround!

Thursday, February 16, 2006


So I found this quiz on a friend's blog and took it. I didn't know that Cyclops is the team leader of X-Men. Interesting... so I guess Deb is Jean Grey. lol....

You scored as Cyclops. Cyclops is the team leader of the X-Men, and a skilled one at that. He loves Jean Grey very much. He's a strict and sometimes uptight leader, but he believes in his cause and he knows what he's fighting for... Peace between Mutants and Humans. Powers: Optic blasts













Jean Grey








Emma Frost


Most Comprehensive X-Men Personality Quiz 2.0
created with

Monday, February 6, 2006

New house = more work = enjoyment

I never thought that getting a new house meant that I would be more active - and enjoying it. It is amazing that I have new found energy to do house work. Maybe it is the thought that it is now yours and that there is value in doing work at home.

For example, while I was living in an apartment, I hardly wanted to vacuum the place partly because it will only get dirty later on and when we move out, I never have to deal with the consequences. But now, I am constantly thinking how to clean things and improve the house because the buck now stops with us (Deb and I).

So, when we had the Snow Day last Wednesday, it was no problem shoveling the driveway (even though it took two and a half hours to clear). I ordered a whole bunch of wood the other day and it has been back breaking hauling it to the shed (still some on our drive way). But, I enjoyed it - and it was a good work out. Maybe I was lazy when I didn't own the place where I lived. But now, I would like to think that I'm not that lazy...

Wood on our driveway that I have to move after our rainstorm over the weekend (Deb helped!)

Inside our shed - our wood storage area for now

Sunday, February 5, 2006

New posting

Sorry I haven't posted anything yet, but with the move and with work, things can get quite busy! So with requests to post something (i.e. Ian Chik) - here it is! In the coming days I will post more pics of my new home and intruiging things going in the back of my mind. But to whet your appetite, here is a pic of the wood stove which I love and bought a whole bunch of wood for today!

(Gold plate and decorations are previous owner's - sadly, we don't own those anymore to put above the stove)