Friday, February 16, 2007

I Can Listen To Rod All Day

A senior colleague, Rod, visited us the past few days and I realized that I can listen to him talk all day. There a few times where I was captured by the stories he told to illustrate a truth from the Word or cast vision on what God can do through a student. It was fascinating.

What I learned from him was the emphasis and importance of prayer and the valuable characteristic of caring and loving a fellow colleague in the Lord.

Thursday, February 8, 2007

University Students Don't Know How To Park

Nothing is more frustrating than rushing to meet an appointment on campus only to arrive on campus with no parking spots in sight - especially when parking spots are at a premium because people don't know how to park.

I arrived today on campus and drove by 2-3 parking spots that, if i were to park that car, would have had space for 1 more space for a car to park. Yes, you need skill to parallel park and people say they are horrible, but if you are in there already, why don't you hug closer to a driveway opening or to the parking sign post so that you create another space? You don't need three feet in front AND back of your car!

Now, to give some drivers credit, you could assume that they were tight with the other cars and that a big car in front of them pulled out and a much smaller car took its space, but there are some cases where you clearly see that they could have hugged the car in front of them or behind a lot better. I will take some pictures once I find my digi camera...

Sunday, February 4, 2007

Finally, A New Post

Pressure - there are different kinds of pressure. Peer pressure, work pressure, self pressure, then their is blog pressure - the pressure to update your blog.

Anyway, over the past month there were a lot of "blogworthy" events and quotes that I wanted to write on, but it seems that I never get to the computer to write it out. I have come to the conclusion that my lifestyle is not very healthy.

My wife and I had a discussion on this and concluded that life should not be so busy that you come home most nights so tired that you just want to turn off your brain and rest, sleep, wake up and repeat the process again. It is not that your day wasn't productive or effective, but that you pack the day so much that you are in danger of disqualifying yourself from the race in the long run.

Action points to start: 3 times a week, take a walk with Deb; do exercise of some form 1/week