Sunday, February 4, 2007

Finally, A New Post

Pressure - there are different kinds of pressure. Peer pressure, work pressure, self pressure, then their is blog pressure - the pressure to update your blog.

Anyway, over the past month there were a lot of "blogworthy" events and quotes that I wanted to write on, but it seems that I never get to the computer to write it out. I have come to the conclusion that my lifestyle is not very healthy.

My wife and I had a discussion on this and concluded that life should not be so busy that you come home most nights so tired that you just want to turn off your brain and rest, sleep, wake up and repeat the process again. It is not that your day wasn't productive or effective, but that you pack the day so much that you are in danger of disqualifying yourself from the race in the long run.

Action points to start: 3 times a week, take a walk with Deb; do exercise of some form 1/week


  1. i read the lotion article in the toronto star last friday i think.

  2. Good on ya. Time to defrag the mind and get out of the rat race.

  3. New post! Great action points....time to relax is important!
