Tuesday, December 13, 2005

LAN games - the ice breaker for men

Over the past 4 years, I have participated the forming of the LAN game on Sunday nights at our pastor's house. What started with only 3 guys has grown to a regular time of bonding for 12 guys (peaked at 16). What I found that it was a great way to meet guys who other wise you would have never spoken to.

I believe that men have this inability to connect with other men right away whereas women seem to be best friends after an initial meeting. Men need something to break that ice. Often times, that is games - any type of competitive event. Sports, board games, video games, a challenge or some sort of job that requires team work and/or competition.

On the other hand, women have told me that even though ladies can hit it off right away, it is usually based on more superficial topics and you really need to take initiative to have deeper and more meaningful conversations. True, but at least you have it easier in the context to take that initiative to go deeper.

Anyways, what are some other ways do you find that men can connect? are there things outside of competition and games?

Friday, December 2, 2005

House Hunting

Ah, house hunting. I never thought I would think about buying a house so soon. But then again, it was always at the back of my mind. Deb and I went for the first time to visit a real estate agent yesterday and we looked at some houses. We have been praying for a long time over this and God led us to this really neat house on Springvale (Fairmount) that fits our budget.

So friends and family, please join us as we pray to see if God will provide this house for us! Then we can finally invite the people we have been putting off to invite because we will now have room! All you outoftowners will now have a place to stay.

So what do you think? (Yeah, I know, the outside looks kinda plain, but wait until you see the inside... and I guess that will happen if we get the house). If you live in Halifax, where do you want to live if you could choose where to live? I gotta admit, house hunting is kind of fun...