Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Pride and Prejudice thoughts

Work has been busy lately with a conference coming up, but to help rest during the nights, Deb and I have been watching a lot of movies. We believe in buying used or really cheap movies that we like to watch again so we went to Blockbuster.

Blockbuster is great because it has great variety, but also very cheap movies. They had a 3 for $20 sale and other sales for DVD movies. So, they had a 2 for $20 for some of the more in demand movies so we picked up U2's Vertigo concert in Chicago and Pride and Prejudice. U2 will have to wait as we watched the new P&P. I saw the old BCC version during my university years when I had to read Austen's novel for English. The movie helped a great deal with my understanding of the whole story and was very well acted and filmed.

This new one, I was a little skeptical because it was shorter and I had my doubts about Knightley. However, I found myself really enjoying the movie as I did the first one. The tale of a woman and man pursuing each other but going through honest misunderstanding and miscommunication but getting it right later on is a feel good story at the end! Deb thoroughly enjoyed it as this is her third watching it and I have to agree that it is worth watching again.

Facebook vs.

So, I have a facebook account now and it is eating up some of my time. But I have found out that it is hard to keep up with two online hobbies - blogging and facebook. Although Facebook does have a blogging function, Blogger has a far superior product and thus I keep my blog account.

With myspace, facebook, blogger, friendster, ringo, flikr, youtube, MSN Messanger and all these online communities, who has time to meet up friends face to face? I think society is changing where people would rather "talk" online than to go out to talk or even pick up the phone. This leads to a host of problems in my opinion:
  • people's social skills take a dive and will create an increase in awkward social situations
  • people not knowing how to confront people to resolve issues. Issues are left unresolved or dealt with improperly
  • hordes of men and women at the computers for hours at a time without doing chores, housework or anything for that matter
  • more online proposals
  • lonely people being deceived into online relationships but getting more lonely in real life

Thursday, December 14, 2006

What Shall We Call Cell Group #1?

As cell group #1 gels, I think it is time for a name! I really liked the pizza making prayer meeting. yummy... Any suggestions?

My suggestions:
  1. Food group #1 (lol)
  2. Hungry Chinese Community of Christians (HCCC!!)
  3. Bread of Life
  4. Flame's Cup - hold on... wrong group
  5. Grace and Truth cell group

In other things... recently, I got a new board game from my sister (thanks Crystal!) called Ticket To Ride. I played it a few times two summers ago, but recently played it again at a training conference and it was addictively fun! It is set on a map of North America and you build train tracks based on your route objectives and depending what kind of cards you draw (you can choose). There is strategy involved on what to build and where to build first!

I have found that strategic "building" games to be fun. There is something to the experience of building something up and whether you win or lose, you can look back and see how you did. This is true for other games like Settlers of Catan and Scrabble. Good times! Anyone want to play? 2-5 players.