Friday, December 24, 2010

Merry Christmas

Photo courtesy of hellosputnik
Christmas is the best of times and the worst of times for people.  "Best of times" because family and friends get together and traditions are borne and followed.  "Worst of times" because of the memory of lost ones or events that have passed that don't result and family and friends getting together.

But Christmas isn't only about family and friends - it is about acknowledging and remembering that we are not alone in this world and that we are pursued by Love and offered Grace and a Relationship with Jesus Christ.

As a follower of Jesus Christ, I admit this is a hard thing to do during this season.  I worry about getting gifts for people and navigating the different things to do and events to attend.  I admit it is a struggle to celebrate why Christmas is recognized and marked as a holiday in the first place - the birth of Christ, but I hope and pray that I will not let the distractions blot that out.

Merry Christmas to you and your family and may it be a time to reflect upon Jesus Christ and why He came.

Friday, September 24, 2010

David's Mighty Men

Wouldn't it be great to have a novel based upon the exploits of the Mighty Men of David?  This probably has been done already, and from my limited experience in book stores, probably written and marketed in the romantic vein.  I'm not talking about that kind of book.

I'm talking about a book more in the epic fantasy vein that follows the reign of David and the development and exploits of him, the Three and the Thirty.  I would buy a well written book or book series based on this.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

10 Personal Growth Questions via Perry Noble Answered

In spending time with the Lord today, I decided I would go through Perry Noble's 10 Personal Growth Questions I found via my pastor's Twitter post.
  1. Am I reading my Bible for information or transformation? (James 1:22-25) There have been times when I have caught myself reading the Bible just for the information.  I confess, this happens mostly when I prepare for a sermon or a workshop I am doing.  But my small group and the discussions we have force me to be in a place to allow transformation.  They hold me accountable, even if at times indirectly.
  2. Am I allowing people or circumstances to steal the joy that Jesus promised to me?  (John 10:10) More recently, this has been true.  I have let people and circumstances get the better of my emotions and my joy that I should have through Jesus.  I have allowed frustration to turn into distrust and cloud my judgment and conduct.  I need to see the best in people and pray that the Spirit enables me to extend grace and forgiveness readily.
  3. Is there anything in my life that God is consistently dealing with that I am trying to ignore?  (Ezekiel 14:1-5) There are many answers to this question as I believe being refined is a life time achievement so that there will be constantly things God will bring up in my life to deal with.  One current one is a prideful attitude.  Although it can be said pride relates to all sin, the issue I'm wrestling with is just pure pride.  How do I look?  Do people know I am a somebody?  What can I do to "matter" in the eyes of this world?  I try to ignore it by writing it off as something noble or "for the Lord", but, recently, have been convicted as just plain ol' pride.  
  4. Who are the people in my life that God has placed around me for the purpose of me sharing Christ with them and/or inviting them to church?  (II Corinthians 5:16-21) Recently, God has been placing the poor in the downtown core in my life as I interact with them more day to day, week to week.  I have been able to learn a couple of names and I hope to continue the relationship that leads to Christ.  
  5. Is there anyone I need to apologize to?  (Ephesians 4:25-27) Not that I know of right now.  This may change before this post ends. <update: yes, there is!  Just found out via email>
  6. Is there anyone I need to forgive? (Ephesians 4:32) Not at the moment.  However, my thing has always been can I truly forgive someone who doesn't think they need forgiving?  Jesus paid for the sins of all, but forgiveness is only there if the sinner realizes they need it and the experiences the forgiveness as their heart is transformed by Christ.  Those who reject it, don't experience the forgiveness because they are not forgiven.  I believe this is the same for human relationships.  I still have to wrestle this thought through - can I truly forgive someone who does not recognize that they have wronged me or disagrees that they have wronged me?  There is no one currently in the scenario I described - but I need to wrestle through this thought more to be ready when the scenario becomes a personal reality.
  7. Is there a sin I need to confess to others and ask for help? (James 5:16) There has been sins I have already confessed and have asked help from others, but do I have unconfessed sin? 
  8. Am I fully utilizing the gifts and abilities that God has blessed me with…or am I simply choosing to waste my life?  (I Peter 4:10) With the current opportunities and responsibilities at church and with work, I believe I am using the gifts and abilities that God has blessed me with. 
  9. Do I know more lines from the movies that I love than verse from the Bible that I read? (Psalm 119:11) Considering that I am horrible with my memory of lines or verses, this will be a poor comparison.  However, I can say with confidence I know my Bible more than a movie, even if that movie is based on a book (i.e. Lord of the Rings). 
  10. Is there anything going on in my life privately that, if it became public, would cause me and/or the body of Christ to be embarrassed? (I John 1:9, James 5:16) Nothing I can think of.  This doesn't mean I don't have sin (i.e. in regards to what I shared above).  
Didn't realize that these questions can be quite personal.  Now to follow up on action points resulting from these questions.

Things I'm learning from David's life

I have been going through 1 and 2 Samuel lately and today I finished 2 Samuel.  Things I am learning from David:

God is honoured when we honour His choice of leadership
Even though David was chosen to be the next king, David showed respect and dignity to Saul on a continual basis, even when Saul was against God and was trying to take David's life. 

God is honoured when we worship Him from our heart and not based on other people's expectations
David danced with only a linen cloth in front of the Lord in front of all of the people.  He was not hindered by other people's expectations on how he should act, not even when his wife opposed his actions. 

There is always consequences to sin and disobedience to God
Although David was a man after God's own heart, he did sin and the consequences were serious.  From death in his family to pestilence to the whole country, David's action affected others.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

2,222 out of 6,838

Recently, I found something out that staggered my mind. 
  • There are 6,838 unreached* people groups in the world which represents 2.74 billion people in this world.  
  • In one South Asian country alone, there are 2,222 unreached people groups (32% of all unreached people groups) representing 1.1 billion people (40% of all people who are unreached in the world) who don't know the truth about Jesus Christ
Find out more at:

*"Unreached" means that the indigenous people do not have enough people or resources to help their own people hear and discover Jesus Christ.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Mobile Jesus

Helping hand by Andrew Dallos
Last night I went out with my church to walk around downtown to pray for, care for, and give sandwiches to those in need or for those who asked us to.  It was an amazing time - here are my thoughts on the night:
  • I found it hilarious that people thought we were on a pub crawl because we all wore the same t-shirt that said Deep Water (our church name) on the front and "Ask us how we can pray for you" on the back.  It started up a great conversation.  It was a great way to redeem the we all wear the same t-shirt phenomena.
  • Being out there creates opportunities to share Christ.  As we prayed for people, listened to people's stories, they reciprocated by asking questions on why we are doing this.  
  • Doing it for one night reminded me that this shouldn't be a once a week thing, but a lifestyle to love and care for people with the love of Christ
    • I can't love people without the love of Christ because I know that on my own, it will become a duty and something I may resent to do day in and day out
  • The more people, the better!  
Definitely will do it again.  You want to join me?

Wednesday, April 28, 2010


Over the past 3 years I have discovered a rising star (now established writer) in writer Ted Dekker. It started with a free book I received that he co-authored with Bill Bright, the founder of the organization I work for and then, more recently, buying his books outright. His books have great conflict, action and edge of your seat turn of events. He writes in different genres including fantasy, horror, and action/adventure. And at the foundation is good story telling based on relevant themes of today.

Sinner is the latest book I have read, the third book in the Paradise Novel series and a great end to the trilogy. One theme in the book that I appreciated was the theme of tolerance. In the book, it paints a scenario in the future where race and faith relations are, by law, required to be tolerant of each other and if broken, would be considered a hate crime.

Dekker points out that in passing such a law would defeat the definition of tolerance to begin with because followers of Jesus (Christianity), by the basic beliefs it holds, clashes with the popular notion of tolerance (i.e. people who passed the law are not tolerant of Christianity's exclusive clams). Jesus states, "I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life. No one comes to the Father (God) but by me." Pretty exclusive (or inclusive, depending on how you look at it, but that is for another post).

Tolerance, by definition, is a fair, objective and permissive attitude of other ideas that differ from your own. But when it comes to Jesus and His teachings, there usually is no permissive, fair and objective attitude towards His exclusive claims even though by standing by these claims, Christians usually are tolerant of other views (note, to be tolerant, means that you need to disagree and don't hold to differing beliefs, but you have a fair, objective and permissive attitude towards them). Although fictional, Dekker's characters who follow Jesus find themselves breaking the law by the simple statement of beliefs they adhere to and face the consequences of such a stance could be an accurate of where Western society is going.

Where do you think popular views on tolerance are leading to? Do you think followers of Jesus are tolerant?

Monday, April 19, 2010

Learning a few things about grief

Today is the 2nd anniversary of Abel's passing. Last year, I learned to grieve as a parent who didn't know what to do with reoccurring grief. This year I learned to grieve in the midst of being a father to a second child. There is still a lot to learn.

A few things I pondered this year as I spent time remembering Abel:

  1. The quote from Lord of the Rings kept returning to me the past 5 days - "No parent should have to bury their child" - Theoden. Normally, that would be a very sad thought to dwell on and at times it is, but I also know that Abel is heaven and that I will see him some day. As well, I am comforted that he has been spared all the evils and suffering that comes with this life.
  2. Today, I spent some moments at his grave and on his grave marker is the inscription James 4:14 which reads, "How do you know what your life will be like tomorrow? Your life is like the morning fog—it’s here a little while, then it’s gone." I am reminded that life is short and that I have no control what comes next - much like Abel's life. The reminder has given me renewed determination to be wise with my time and not take it for granted.
  3. Mischaela, my 4 1/2 month old, is an absolute joy and she is a beautiful gift to us from God. She has not replaced Abel in any way, but has given me more perspective in the grieving process. Although I know God always has given good gifts, she is a great reminder that in the midst of a world that has been messed up by us humans and sin, God brings good still into this world.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Church is Not for You

Truth, when heard in clear, biblical context, is beautiful - even when it may be hard to hear. My pastor laid it out to us today - church is not for the saved, the Spirit-filled, the Bible verse memorizer, the ones who know they are going to spend eternity with Jesus in heaven.

No, church is for the lost because "the Son of Man came to seek and save those who are lost." Often times churches are planted, continued, and programed to keep the "flock" happy. As a result, what is bred are self-centered "Christians" who seek out churches who meet their needs. And the church who does that has lost what churches are called to do in the first place - to be seekers and searchers for those who are lost - just like Jesus who sought and found Zacchaeus.

What amazed me was that my pastor then went to challenge those who are not a seeker or a searcher to find another church. I am glad to be part of this community of Christ followers.

Is your church for the lost? Is your church made of seekers and searchers of the lost? Am I/you a seeker and searcher for the lost?

Sunday, April 4, 2010

new insights

Well, with a facelift comes a new focus on what I want to dwell on this blog. Starting a new blog that is work related has helped me give new purpose on what I want to do in this space.

Mainly, I want to write about what God has been teaching me as I continue to follow him in my personal walk, as I serve in the church, and in addition to what I learn from work.

So I invite you to come along in the faith adventure to follow Jesus Christ and to become more like Him.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

New Blog: Increasing Capacity

I have a new blog I set up for more work related posts. You can check it out at . I will keep this blog for personal reflections and insights.