Tuesday, July 31, 2007

In and Out

This summer has been a whirlwind of traveling and crisscrossing the country. After staying in Calgary for support, we headed out to BC for staff training (phenomenal!) and a conference (great speakers) and then heading back to home.

Now, we prepare to head out to Toronto for a friend's wedding and have a driving vacation to Vancouver with some friends. Crazy - but I'm really looking towards it.

One of the things I learned on this past trip was the importance on defining what following Jesus really means. There seems to be a movement in Christianity where Christians are trying to be culturally relevant but along the way, their view of God and Scriptures are being lowered and they inch along to liberalism.

Mark Driscoll, our speaker at conference, rightly pointed out that we can not let culture influence our theology, but at the same time interact with culture so that we are relevant. We need the open hand - closed hand approach. We need to discern what we can let go and what we can't change in terms of our view of Jesus, the Trinity, Scripture and other tenets of faith.

More on this later...


  1. That's gonna be a long drive! But fun, since it's vacation! If you pass through E-town on your way be sure to look us up!

  2. download mark driscoll sermons from the marshill website ..he's good.

  3. Hey mrs. m, sorry we didn't get a chance to stop in and say hi in Edmonton! Our hosts kept us so busy that we didn't even have a chance to take some pictures! Hopefully you guys can return to the Fax for a visit! =)
