Sunday, October 25, 2009

We Need You to Lead

... but people don't follow titles, they follow courage... And if you would just lead them to freedom, they'd follow you. And so would I.
William Wallace

After watching Braveheart the other day, I am reminded of Seth Godin's book, Tribes: We Need You to Lead Us, which I am currently reading. Tribes are groups of people connected to an idea with other people who follow a leader. A group is a tribe in waiting for a leader.

The Scots had a tribe leader, William Wallace, because he took the stand to lead a common cause - freedom. What is your tribe? What is your cause? And are you going to step up to lead? Because Godin argues that the best person to lead a tribe is you, because no one else will.

I agree - if there is a need for a tribe, a stand for a worthwhile cause, because there is no current tribe for it, it might be because you need to lead it for it to exist.

I think this is very applicable to many situations including campus ministry. For a new staff, a group is an MDA and to turn it into a tribe, it needs a leader. That leader may be you, or it may be a leader you will raise to lead that group so that it becomes a tribe.

1 comment:

  1. My tribe is the atheist movement and we will defeat you and your ridiculous ideas.
