Sunday, June 25, 2006

There and Back Again

Wow - it has been a long time since I have been at home and it is quite the feeling when you get back from a trip. It is interesting to reflect back on the things that happened in the past 7 weeks and also to think about what the 7 weeks would have looked if I stayed at home.

Things That I Found Different When I Came Back Home:
  1. We have a house sitter (thanks Ian!)
  2. We have ants in our basement
  3. There is a baby bottle in our car (no, we are NOT expecting)
  4. Our furniture has been moved around (thanks Ian!)
  5. We have flowers blooming around our house (thanks mom and previous owners)
  6. There is an annoying high pitch sound that is coming from our attic that is irregular and intermittent

Anyway, pics to be posted soon of our summer trip!


  1. yeah... about that furniture... wasn't someone going to move it back?? :) jokes. I can appreciate that the sofa needed to be positioned to optimize nhl finals viewing. but now they're over... so... ha ha haa

  2. YAY. Welcome back! The long wait is over. It's like you guys have been gone forever...but yet it wasn't that long ago. :)

  3. glad to know you're back! hope to hear about your trip soon!

  4. Welcome back! By the way, I like your place...I was by to pick up Ian last week.

    Hope you're enjoying being home!

  5. Welcome back!
    So, the burning question is...Where did the baby bottle come from??
