Wednesday, June 28, 2006

More than one way to heaven?

Reading the news and I came across an article saying that the world's second most wealthiest man, Warren Buffet, is going to give $37 billion to the Bill Gates Foundation. Wow - that is a lot of money.

However, what caught my eye was this quote, "there is more than one way to get to heaven but this is a great way". He was referring to his giving to the the Gates foundation that is aiming to eliminate the world's top 20 diseases.

It is comments like these that make me think how we, as humans, like to make our own way to heaven by doing good things. I'm not against good things and I applaud Buffet's move, but I hope that is not what he is banking on to get to heaven.

Jesus said that there is only one way to heaven and after thinking it through, it makes sense. Why create many ways to heaven when one way is enough? As well, that one way is unique from all of the man-made solutions of this world in that you don't have to do anything for it - it is by grace we have been saved through faith. That is the beauty of Christ!

If you want to check out the site:


  1. it's funny how we always want to save ourselves by paving our own way to God/heaven/etc. so in the end we can look back and think how awesome we are and how little we needed anyone to get us anywhere.

    I for one and relieved that it's not up to me... thanks Jesus.

  2. phew. i already messed up enough times this week to NOt get an entry to heaven..... fooh

  3. Hmm. How disappointed he'll be if he thinks that getting to Heaven is based on works.
