Monday, January 9, 2006

Canadian Election Debate

Recently I have been drawn into the interesting election Canada is in the middle of. Although I didn't care about elections the past couple of times Canada went to the polls, I'm drawn to this one beacuse of the platforms policies, drama, and the interesting things Canadians are saying about the different parties.

I was also drawn to the second round of English debates. I didn't catch the first round, but the second one was facinating to watch as the leaders traded thoughts, opinions, and barbs at each other. One guy really drew me to watch and that was the NPD leader and his strategy in this debate (and also as a campaign). This guy is smart (strategy wise) as he knows he won't win this election, but is preparing for the next. It will be interesting to see what happens January 23rd, 2006. Go vote! Go Canada!

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