Thursday, January 5, 2006

Happy New Year!

2006! Happy New Year! So, every year I go to a conference in Toronto and ring in the New Year with worship, prayer, and dance party with hundreds of other people from Eastern Canada. It is great fun! This year, the NYE party theme was the 80s... and it was quite eye opening! The 80s, I have decided, was not a pretty decade, but it did bring some great memories including GI Joe, Transformers, Ghostbusters (see pic below), and other notable shows (yes, I was a kid in the decade). What did you do for New Year's?

The sound and physical arrangment team as Ghostbusters!

The Ghostbusters blasting some Pac-Man ghosts

Grezky and the Oilers - definately the 80s...

Kelley, Deborah and I - scary!


  1. come now, are you saying hammer pants and tapered jeans weren't cool? then how come the 80's are coming back? shudder. lol.

  2. How cute were you guys! Looks like you had a fun time :) Happy New Year!

  3. All who oppose the 80s shall be ruthlessly exterminated under the New World Order.

  4. looking good as ghostbuster Josh and Deb was absolutely beautiful!
