Monday, March 6, 2006


Memory - my memory bites. Do you not hate the feeling when you come across a person you know, but don't can't remember the name? Well, today was one of those days. After seeing a friend to the front door, the door next to our house (we live in a duplex) opens. I look up and say, "Hi there" my usual greeting without thinking who it was. "Hi Joshua" he said. I froze... it was my neighbor and I just blanked out. I couldn't remember his name. I looked down, and then after an awkward silence, I shouted something to my departing friend and hastily closed the door.

I felt like crawling under a rock! I can't believe I don't remember his name. Mind you, I only met him once while I was shovelling the snow off my driveway, but you would think I would remember such details - he remembered my name.

Not only did I not remember my neighbor's name, I wasn't too quick on my feet. Deb was right beside me and all I had to do was introduce her to my neighbors and hopefully they would have said their names by introducing themselves. But no, I had to make an awkward situation more awkward by closing the door.

Anyway, I have gotten over the feeling of hitting over myself over the head many times over (I think) and will make the point to introduce ourselves. I feel like we have to bake cookies or something and give it to them as we introduce ourselves... is that from a movie or something? Anyway, this time, I need to write the names down...


  1. hee hee hee. that's very funny and cute. :o)

  2. LOL...i ditto deb. it happens to all of us, no worries! teacher tip: find something to associate a person's name with to help you remember i.e. adjective (jolly josh) or animal (jaguar josh) or...hmmm, i dunno. sounds silly but it works in the classroom! try it ;)

  3. I agree with everyone. Don't sweat're not the only one. I feel that way ALL the time especially when you bump into your client's father's friend's nephrew at the grocery store...can't expect me to remember all the names. Usually I just respond by saying, "oh my are you!?!?!"

  4. Tyler read somewhere that if you say someone's name seven times, you won't forget it. This, so far, is an unproven theory. My dad keeps a list of his neighbours by the front door--just remember to hide it if they come in!

  5. 7 times repeated for anything u read is supposed to stay in ur memory. at least ur long term memory. had to study this in 'psychology'
    josh: don't call me peasantboy by mistake okay? :p

  6. It's been almost a year and a half since we moved into our neighbourhood. And I'm still trying to get all the names straight. Actually, I have to see them first before I even get names... Anyway, one idea, my friend keeps a hand drawn map of the houses nearby and writes peeps names beside the house number! How about that! I hide mine taped inside the door of the pantry cupboard.
