Saturday, November 18, 2006

Cell group #1 rocks!

We had our first church cell group hang out time this past Friday and our cell group did a hot pot! It was a lot of food, a lot of fun cooking it and a great time to know each other a bit more (like having a first date at a cemetery. lol

I look forward to many more great times with cell group #1!


  1. I'd like to respectfully disagree with this cell group #1 rocking business. look at the the two guys in the middle, they look like they're barely tolerating the hot potting.

    cute girls though. ha ha ha!

  2. I totally disagree with you Deb. I think cell group #1 Rock to infinity!! Like...totally!! Woooo!! go group 1!!

  3. I don't know if the label 'cell group #1' really reflects how much you guys rock...

  4. the girl on the right is really pretty!!!;)So therefore, cell group #1 does in fact rock.

  5. Kirsten - I guess we have to come up with a rockin' name...

  6. A name that reflects our rockin-ness might be nice. Chowmania is pretty cute himself. haha.

  7. Excuse me? Friday afternoons DGs it's where it's at!!!!
