Monday, September 4, 2006


I think I just had a shift in my favourite fruit. It used to be strawberries, but now they are blueberries. In large part is because I have been blueberry picking lately and they are just plain yummy. However, they are very healthy. Here are a few facts about blueberries that I found...
  1. Blueberries are antioxidants. This means that they help neutralize "free radicals" (that are by-products from metabolism) which cause cancer and other age related diseases. Blueberries are ranked #1 compared to 40 other fresh fruits in this area.
  2. Blueberries prevent urinary tract infections
  3. Blueberries help improve eyesight
  4. Blueberries have potential to lower cholesterol
So, in light of these facts, I think I can eat blueberries forever. You can also make once unhealthy foods into healthy ones...

For example:
  1. Ice cream - just throw a handfull of blueberries on top and it is healthy
  2. Milkshakes - blueberry milkshakes (yummy)
  3. Pancakes - healthy already, make it more healthy by adding blueberries into the mix
  4. Blueberry pie
  5. Poutine - add just a handfull into ... (JK)


  1. lol on the poutine. smoosh some on chips and wowee, health galore! I'm pretty sure as well that butter melted on blueberries makes the butter healthy too.

  2. WOW. that's pure brilliance Josh!! I didn't know that you can make poutine healthy by adding blueberries into it :P magic bullet...teehee.

  3. I'm from the wild blueberry capital of Canada: Oxford, Nova Scotia. There is a giant blueberry there. You'd love it!

  4. josh I think my favourite fruit (pineapple) is changing to blueberries too... so delicious and so nutrious!

  5. They sure are right some good! My fav fruits are still watermelon or lychees though. Wouldn't it be awesome if there were miniture sized watermelons that you could pick off and pop in your mouth?

  6. Yum...I love em too!! Blueberry pie...mmmmmmmmmmmm

  7. what? pancakes? healthy ?

    josh.... ur going overboard!!! :)
