Saturday, April 28, 2007


One addition to this whole Web 2.0 phenomenon (the surge of the Internet after the dot com bust) that I like is the ability to add comments to articles, pictures, blogs... and so forth. It allows interaction between the creator of web material and those who read, enjoy, and/or benefit from the content.

However, there is a dark side to commenting and that is , if unmonitored, this new way to express your thoughts can do more harm than good. That "dark" side are the comments left by those who don't take responsibility for their comments.

An example are the Globe and Mail online newspaper comments section. I'm surprised how often the comments degenerate into name calling and forums for political/religious/personal views (even though the article has nothing to do with those views). It becomes a disturbing read and frankly, a time waster.

Although there are great comments that enhance and educate the topics at hand, I believe that the world of commenting is dangerous because people are more confident behind a keyboard and screen than in real life. They hide... and only stand up and take responsibility for their comments behind their online alias name (if even that - most people just use "anonymous"). If you met them in real life, they probably won't even admit to their view that they posted online.

So, I'm going to start posting comments (i.e. G&M) using my common username and not leave anonymous comments anymore. It won't turn the tide by itself, but it is a start I hope.

1 comment:

  1. it's so true... and sometimes a comment can be so hurtful and just mean... like the ones you told me about on G&M. mean comments like that probably would never happen in a face-face context (with strangers you've never met).
