Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Two big blisters

Recently, I have had the chance to play some indoor soccer with my friends from church. They play in an informal group for fun and they invite me to play when one of the members can't be there and I can be a "sub".
I wasn't always a big fan of soccer until I watched a couple of World Cups. Soccer (or more commonly known as football in the world) truly is a world sport. There are virtually no barriers of entry to play the sport - it is cheap, you can play it anywhere, and it is easy to learn. However, it takes skill to play at a high level.

Back to the title - so while I was playing Tuesday night I noticed that my shoes were getting uncomfortable. It felt like two tiny stones where in the arches of my feet. The next time I was subbed out I took off my shoes to dump the stones out. There were none. Back on the feet the shoes go but this time the pain is more intense. I shrug it off, but it was more difficult to run and play.

After a great time of playing soccer, I get home to see what all the pain is all about. I take off my shoes and lo and behold, two burst blisters were on my arches of my feet - one on each foot. It was gross (I was going to take a picture of them, but I think that would be in bad taste with no one every going to return to my blog). They were about the size of a quarter each and the flap of wet skin just rubbing on the tender part of the blister - no wonder it hurt.


I need new indoor soccer shoes. Now I hobble alongside my wife.


  1. ahhaha. Hobble couple indeed. Thanks for not taking a picture of it.

  2. battle scars that u should be proud off! whee
