Monday, April 16, 2007

Supporting a Child

This post is a continuation of the previous one:

So thinking about what I can do, one of my first thought was to do some research on supporting a child in Africa. One of the scenes in the movie was in a re-education facility for children who faced the horrors of war. A lot of children who live in war torn areas are deprived of education and a childhood that we know of here in the West. There are some child support organizations that offer children and their family a new life, both in this world and in Christ.

However, when I was researching some of these organizations, I was shocked to find that the CEO's/presidents of these organizations make six figures in salary and benefits.


Yes, six figures! Not just in the 100,000 range, but in the 200,000 - 400,000 range! I couldn't believe it! Here are children suffering for food, dying, being exploited and the organizations who are there to help are pulling salaries in the hundreds of thousands for one person.

At first, I was enraged and confused. It didn't make sense to me. But after some time, I reflected on the reality of the situation. If I don't give to an organization such as the ones I researched, who would I give it to to ensure that my money is going to be used as I directed?

Not that it justifies their six figures, but they are helping the poor and overseeing the follow up and the things in place to make sure the poor and needy are being cared for. As well, I don't know what these presidents do with their money but they could be giving it away to their own organization to help the poor, the church or other organizations.

At the end of it all, it is not going to deter me from sponsoring a child. There is one organization that's vision and foundation I am quite excited about. As well, their president doesn't make as much as the $400,000 dollar dude. I rather give than not give. The rest I leave up to God cause ultimately, I give to Him.

1 comment:

  1. you should look into adoption agencies also.. big cash grabbers.
